Archive by Author

Jean Baptiste Nsenga

Jean Baptiste Nsenga thumb

I am 18 years old and live in Gikondo, which is part of Kigali.  I live with my mother, my sister and one brother.  My father died during the genocide.  He was a good man – a man of integrity.  But unfortunately, he died when I was still very young.


When my father died, our life at home was hard and I decided to live on the street.  Living on the street is the same as living on your own.  Nobody cares.  If you get sick, you just sit there – nobody cares.  You don’t have anything to do.  I was six years old when I started living on the street. …

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Jean d’Amour Biziyaremye

Jean d’Amour Biziyaremye photo

I am 16 years old. I live in Kimisagara in Kigali. I live with my brothers and sisters, but I do not live with my father because he has a drinking problem. My mother died in 2000 when I was five years old. No one was at home to help me or pay for me, so I left to go live on the streets. I slept under the bridge at night. I would survive by taking a tree and transforming it into charcoal. Then, I would sell the charcoal and use that money to buy food.

If we were sick, we could not go to the hospital because we did not have money.…

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Dieudonnee Tumukunde

Dieudonnee Tumukunde thumb

I really like coming here to dance everyday. I am so happy when I go back to my home, FIDESCO, afterwards. I forget all my personal problems. Now, my challenge in life is paying my school fees – for me and my younger brothers.…

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Claude Manishimwe

Claude Imanaishimwe photo

I am 13 years old.  I have lived at FIDESCO for three months.  I have one younger sister.  Her name is Musabyimana.  I love my mother and my father, but my parents are divorced.  But, actually, I don’t know my father.  That used to make me sad, but my mother taught me to accept that as “life.”

I love dance, God, praying, learning and eating!

If I had $30 USD, I would be able to go back to school because I could pay my school fees and buy a pair of shoes.

In the future, I would like to be known as a person who cares for other people – a good person. …

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