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Olivier Twagimanya

Olivier Twagimanya thumb

I am 18 years old.  I live with my mother because my father has passed away.  There are five children in my family.  I love my family, especially my mother and my little brother.

When I lived at home, there was no way to go to school.  Eventually, I decided to live on the streets until I came to FIDESCO.  FIDESCO paid my school fees and encouraged me to move back to live with my family.  Life on the streets was too difficult.  I saw many children die, some turn to prostitution and others being tortured.

In life, I really like to study. …

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Olivier Ruzindana

Olivier Ruzindana thumb

I am 14 years old.  I came to FIDESCO at the end of November 2011.  I have two older brothers and two older sisters.  I used to live on the streets and steal telephones, but now I am becoming a good kid.  I am thankful to FIDESCO and my parents for making this change in my life.

I like football, dance, rap singers and soldiers.  My favorite things though are dancing and studying.  I think if I learn dance and computers, I could be a good artist.  I also think I would like a home one day.  I want everyone to think of me as a person who sings and dances – a happy person. …

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Fils Nzayisenga

Fils Nzayisenga thumb

I am 13 years old.  I have four younger sisters: Ingabire, Jeanne, Nyirahabimana and Esther.

My life has changed at FIDESCO.  God helped me leave a terrible place and allowed me to come here.

My best friend is my mother because she has helped me change.  But, I know I still need to change my behavior.  After I finish my stay at FIDESCO, I will go back home and I don’t want to ever go back to the streets again.  I want to be finished with that lifestyle forever.

My t-shirt is the most important thing to me in my life now.…

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Dieudonnee Tumukunde

Dieudonnee Tumukunde thumb

I really like coming here to dance everyday. I am so happy when I go back to my home, FIDESCO, afterwards. I forget all my personal problems. Now, my challenge in life is paying my school fees – for me and my younger brothers.…

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Claude Manishimwe

Claude Imanaishimwe photo

I am 13 years old.  I have lived at FIDESCO for three months.  I have one younger sister.  Her name is Musabyimana.  I love my mother and my father, but my parents are divorced.  But, actually, I don’t know my father.  That used to make me sad, but my mother taught me to accept that as “life.”

I love dance, God, praying, learning and eating!

If I had $30 USD, I would be able to go back to school because I could pay my school fees and buy a pair of shoes.

In the future, I would like to be known as a person who cares for other people – a good person. …

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